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  • Writer's pictureRogue Left


Trump, titan of bullshit, King Con incarnate, was supposed to be good at at least one thing: dealmaking. So ninja-level is his epic ability to seal primo deals purported to be that he named his first work of fiction "The Art of the Deal."

This inept asshole couldn't sell a bucket of water to a man on fire because he'd drone on so incessantly long about terrible Obama, and crooked Hillary, and rapey Mexicans, and sketchy Muslims, and how smart he is, and how nobody knows buckets of water better than him, and how the fake media won't admit how much more he knows about buckets of water than any president that came before him, and he'd pause a few times for crowd chants of "Lock her up! Lock her up!" adding dickhead non sequiturs like "no, believe me," and "that much I can tell you," and "we'll see," ...and by that time, the man on fire would have been reduced to his literal smoldering carbon footprint, which Trump would also, ironically, deny, because he's also stupid as fuck when it comes to science.

But back to the dealmaking. Trump, gurl, come on. Hows that Mexican-funded wall coming along? Or your Solomonlike dealmaking that netted a $25 million settlement for the poor saps who had the misfortune of attending your clown college? Or your six bankruptcies? Or the whopping $130,000 you slid to a second-tier porn star to keep her mouth shut, and yet somehow she has you in such hot water that your legal team has been reduced to a squawking, senile Rudy Giuliani, and a personal "fixer" lawyer who gets the shit kicked out of his hangdog face more often than the caucasian asswipes the Globetrotters play each night.

And then there's the Iranian Nuclear Treaty you just backed out of. 

Let's get this out in the open first: Trump doesn't know what's in the treaty, because that would require one of two things: reading it, or having it explained to him. And since Adolf Twittler doesn't read or listen to anyone, we can all feel quite certain enough that Trump knows about as much about Iran, treaties, fissile material, etc., as he knows about bringing a woman to an unfaked orgasm. In other words, nil.

Our European allies, congress, nuclear experts, our military, his own cabinet, and 67% of the American public wanted to keep the treaty in place—but since it was passed by Obama, Trump needed to Hulk smash it like a fat, asshole kid on the playground who won't stop shitting in the sandbox because he's secretly already ashamed of his thimble-size micropenis, AND HE'LL SHOW ALL OF THEM! SMASH! SMASH!

So, with no replacement deal in place (surprise, surprise), instead of 15 years from now, Iran can start building a nuclear bomb today, we can't inspect their sites, they can enrich uranium, Boeing and American workers lose a $20 billion corporate deal, Russia wins (also surprise, surprise), gas prices are about to shoot to $4.00 a gallon, and we're closer to a war in the Middle East courtesy of the same totally sure assholes (wassup, Bibi?) who pushed us into war in Iraq a few years back—because that worked out so well.

Trump doesn't make deals. He shits on things. He's not smart, he's moronic. He's not a president, he's a cancer. And this isn't art, or a deal, it's a national tragedy, and the world will be lucky of we survive this presidency without a full scale nuclear war happening.

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