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  • Writer's pictureRogue Left


Under an onslaught of right wing indifference, myriad indignities, and even outright hostility, public school teachers have been taking it on the chin for years. Slashed budgets that are so severe educators have been forced to pay for pencils and printer ink out of their own pockets; snotty accusations of fostering a detrimental “liberal agenda” (presumably for teaching freakyshit topics such as evolution), and the deliberate insult of the appointment of a Secretary of Education named Betsy Devos who is so combustibly stupid she once asked a school librarian if she could recommend a book to teach her how to read.

Now these underpaid, under-appreciated and much maligned public servants are supposed to toss a Sig Sauer 9mm into their bag lunch like the unholy progeny of Charles Bronson and Miss fucking Othmar because the republican congress still can’t get off its corrupt, NRA-owned ass to pass some common sense gun safety legislation?

Seriously, GOP, eat a bag of dicks.

Note to Donald Trump and the rest of the clueless republican braintrust: it’s homeroom, not the OK Corral. The government doesn’t pay teachers well enough to coach softball after school—now you want them to lay down suppressive fire when an over-caffeinated psychotic prick in a trench coat and Hawthorn Heights concert tee starts redecorating the biology lab with his modified AR-15 with the high-capacity magazine?

On what fucking planet do you live?

Teachers are…teachers. They’re not an underground militia that disguises its true identity by reciting e e cummings poems and conjugating latin verbs on the whiteboard when the administrator pops her head in. Forget the vacuum of reason that makes you think teachers are equipped to handle this kind of life or death small arms live-fire combat under extreme duress, but, and I can’t ask this question at a decibel level obnoxious enough, what the fuck makes you think armed combat last line defense against a heavily armed intruder is a responsibility best left to a 3rd grade spelling teacher?

I should point out that there have been dozens of epically amazing teachers that have risen to the occasion during a live shooting event, even laying down their very lives to save those of their students. That’s singular heroism, not compulsory job description.

Also, did anyone raise their hand during this asinine conversation and remind everyone else that mass murders by assault weapons have occurred in churches, movie theaters, night clubs, outdoor concerts, and all kinds of places? Does the GOP and NRA think the answer is arming every citizen in America against other armed citizens?

Yeah, actually, they do. They are that owned. The GOP is so wholly controlled by the NRA that if for some reason the special interest lobby suddenly forewent guns in favor of pasta, Richard Burr (R, NC) would be at a podium somewhere in Raleigh by tomorrow morning bellowing that teachers should be bringing bowls of pappardelle to their classrooms to protect their students from armed intruders.

Seriously, fuck these fools.

When the US government asked Donald Trump to carry a gun for his country against armed aggressors, he faked bone spurs like the cowardly trust fund twat he is and refused; when it asked the same of NRA executive Wayne LaPierre, he had a doctor write a note stating that Lil Wayne’s spastic colon would make it too difficult to keep the asscrack of his jungle camo hygienic in combat, and he refused also. Cold, dead hands my ass.

Such brave, brave patriots, now asking low-salaried, disrespected individuals like teachers to do life-or-death shit work because they refused to then and now. You know what? Fuck ‘em.

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